The Client-Lawyer relationship is a special relationship that can often generate impactful outcomes for you and your business. Here are a few tips to consider so that you can maximize the potential of this important relationship.

1. Try to make sure that the lawyer you are considering can do what you require of them. There is no such thing as a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to lawyers. It's very important to visualize and express the outcome that you desire when having an initial consultation with a lawyer that you are considering. There's nothing wrong with asking for an early case assessment and there’s nothing wrong with asking the tough questions you need answers to so that you feel confident with your choice.

2. Try to make sure that you enjoy communicating with the lawyer that you are considering. You don’t have to be best friends but once a matter involves the need for a lawyer, it is safe to say that there can be some stress involved in the journey, and it always helps when you can enjoy the time you will spend collaborating with your lawyer. The Lawyer-Client relationship can unlock incredible potential when there is strong synergy.

3. Have an open conversation about fees and make sure that you understand exactly how the retainer works. There should be no surprises at any point along the way and you should not enter into a relationship with any financial questions left unanswered.

4. Don't hesitate to ask if you can conduct a reference with a current or past client. You can also search for any online reviews and search the Law Society website to ensure that the lawyer is in good standing.

5. Feel comfortable asking about the lawyer's journey. Things such as why they chose Law as a profession and the educational road they took to become a lawyer can all provide insight into the lawyer that you are considering.
We hope that this article helped you to consider just a few of the possible questions and approaches that you can deploy when going about your search for a legal professional.

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